High school football builds friends for life

What is a friend? It’s someone you can count on. Someone who’s lifted you up. Someone who knows who you really are.

High school football builds friends for life. Friends who have trained together. Competed together. Won together. Lost together. That forges a special bond that is unbreakable.

The friendships formed through football are unlike any other sport. That’s because the game of football is a visceral experience: The heat of a summer practice. Landing a tackle with perfect technique. The pat on your helmet as you reach the sideline.

All these experiences are shared between teammates. It creates a bond that runs deeper than a handshake. And to a teenager who is figuring out who they are and where they belong, there’s not much else that compares.

Talk to the teens in your family about joining their school’s football team! This is where true friendship is forged. This is high school football.


This is what it's all about!

Everybody loves to win, but winning isn’t just about touchdowns. It’s learning to give it your all—every day in every way.

Celebrating football moms on Mother’s Day and every day!

High school football teaches so much more than Xs and Os.