High school football is the ultimate team sport

With 11 players on the field at a time, high school football is the definition of a “team sport.”

Teammates must know the specific role they each play. They must work together toward a common goal. They must rely on each other to accomplish together what cannot be done alone.

It’s about being a part of something bigger than yourself. It’s about putting the team first. It’s about WE, not me. This is being humble. This is being selfless. This is being a team player.

High school football is the ultimate team sport because it takes 11 players on the field and turns them into one cohesive unit, ONE team. And it influences the kind of teammates they’ll be for the rest of their lives.

Talk to the teens in your family about joining their school’s football team! This is where eleven become ONE. This is high school football.

This is what it's all about!

Everybody loves to win, but winning isn’t just about touchdowns. It’s learning to give it your all—every day in every way.

Celebrating football moms on Mother’s Day and every day!

High school football teaches so much more than Xs and Os.