High school football sharpens the mind and the body

Did you know high school football is a total body workout? It’s true!

The constant stop and start nature of the game improves everything from endurance, speed and strength to coordination, agility and flexibility.

But it goes even further, enhancing mental health too. It relieves stress. It boosts endorphins. It clears players’ heads. And it improves focus, clarity and self-esteem.

High school football is mentally and physically demanding, from conditioning and weightlifting to practice and playing. Players are always moving … always focused … always in the zone.

But most of all, they’re having fun! And it’s the perfect way for teens to create healthy habits that will last long after their playing days are over.

Talk to the students in your family about participating in football! This is building a strong mind and a strong body. This is high school football.

This is what it's all about!

Everybody loves to win, but winning isn’t just about touchdowns. It’s learning to give it your all—every day in every way.

Celebrating football moms on Mother’s Day and every day!

High school football teaches so much more than Xs and Os.