High school football is about more than physical strength

High school football strengthens players in countless ways.

They’re physically stronger from digging deep and pushing past their limits. They’re mentally stronger from having the stability and structure of a routine in their lives. They’re emotionally stronger from feeling supported by their teammates and coaches.

Player protection has also never been stronger with the NFHS leading this charge for over a decade now—writing new rules and educating coaches on proper tackling skills and techniques to ensure player protection is every team’s number one priority.

This is what TRUE strength looks like.

Talk to your high school’s athletic director or football coach about how your student can sign up to play.

This is what it's all about!

When you’re a part of a team, you’ve got to work as a team. That means relying on each other, as well as yourself.

The pitch-black sky, the bright white glow—players and coaches know that there’s nothing like the Friday Night Lights.

The white glow of sky-high lights. The pounding rhythms of the pep band. Time ticking down second by second.