You’ll never forget those Friday night lights

What’s so special about playing under the Friday night lights?

The band blaring the school fight song. The cheerleaders rallying the crowd. The overwhelming energy of the fans. With each play called, the momentum is growing. Hearts are pounding. Adrenaline is pumping. The noise is deafening, and the clock is ticking.

Playing high school football gives you the chance to be a part of something bigger than yourself. To step into the arena and give it your all. To make your team, your school and your entire community proud.

Running out on the high school football field is an experience you will never forget.

Talk to your high school’s athletic director or football coach about your student joining the team. #ThisIsHSFootball

This is what it's all about!

You are not your position. You are not your stats, your scouting report or your playing time.

It doesn’t matter how far football takes you. Your high school colors are your colors for life.

They don’t call it the big game for nothing! Friday night only comes once a week, and your high school football team needs your support.