High school football shapes players for life

High school football teaches so much more than Xs and Os.

Studying game film teaches PREPARATION. Practicing plays teaches PERSISTENCE. Scoring touchdowns teaches TEAMWORK.

From discipline and responsibility to leadership and accountability, these are just some of the lessons learned on the football field that develop strong character for life.

High school football players don’t just learn athletic skills. They also learn essential life skills.

They don’t just experience success on the field. They’re also set up for success off the field.

They don’t just become better athletes. They also become better people.

As another high school football season nears conclusion, the NFHS wishes all the best to senior student-athletes suiting up for the final time. Soak it all in and create everlasting memories with your teammates and coaches. #ThisIsHSFootball

This is what it's all about!

Everybody loves to win, but winning isn’t just about touchdowns. It’s learning to give it your all—every day in every way.

Celebrating football moms on Mother’s Day and every day!

High school football teaches so much more than Xs and Os.